Marcos Bressan


Data Engineer & Cloud Architect at Big Data
Graduated in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
Passionate about Machine Learning and Distributed Computing
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Marcos Bressan

Born in Piquete, in the countryside of São Paulo, and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil, since my high school I have always been interested in Physics and Electrical phenomena. Although highly passionate by Pure Maths, Statistics and logical formalism, I naturally went for Electrical Engineering studies when faced by the decision, inspired by the potential technological development of the domain and the challenges inherent in the profession of engineer.

In 2020, I officially graduated in Electrical Engineering, obtaining a diploma valid in both Brazilian and French territories, thanks to a double degree program brought forth by a partnership between the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and the École CentraleSupélec.

In France, where I experienced two internships in different companies, my professional project was mainly guided through the fields of Telecommunication Systems, Computer Networks and Power Systems, reasons why I became especially attracted to Machine Learning, Smart Grids, Internet of Things and System Engineering.

This website is still under development, but you can also check out my profiles on Linkedin and Github!


Below you will find some of my projects ordered by theme/category. Please, be aware that this page is still in development and many projects are not listed here. You can find more of them on my Github.

Smart Grids, Distributed Computing, Multi-Agent Systems

Machine Learning

Private Projects


Click here to see a list of certificates.
